Where my mind is today


My mind is on herbs, planting, and gardens.  I was lucky enough to receive a few seed catalogs over the last few days.  The garden in my mind is much larger than my reality.  LOL

Containers are my reality.  But, I am not letting that discourage me.  Every thing that I will grow will be food I don't have to buy.  Plus, I know where they came from and what has been put on them.  

The smell and taste of fresh herbs are so worth the effort.  Dill for salmon, mint for tea, Rosemary for roasted potatoes, basil for marinated tomatoes.  Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

My tea today is a regular black tea.  With sugar and milk.  Simple and easy.

I have a simple baby blanket on my crochet hook.  Using Mandala yarn in Unicorn.  I have a group on Facebook that your handmade mittens, hats, scarves, baby blankets, and other goodies can be sent to Bethlehem Priory so that they may be given to those in need.  It is called Handmade with love for Bethlehem Priory.


A very beautiful chance meeting in a horrible year led to being able to watch evening prayers streamed live every night.  This also led to meeting a wonderful Monk who grows food on farmland to feed needy people.  This also started the collection of handmade items for those in need.  Brother fed 400 families last year thanks to everyone coming together to get him plants, seeds, money for a water pump, and other farm needs.  He is wanting to expand to help even more.  It was amazing to watch and help.  

That is all for now.  My chores and homeschool duties call.  Please leave comments for me.  It would be fantastic to hear from you.  My posting at this time are simple as I am using a Tablet.  I am hoping to be able to upgrade to a laptop in the coming months. 

God bless you and have a beautiful day.


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